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czifrus szabolcs

Dr. Szabolcs Czifrus

associate professor, head of department, Director

Department of Nuclear Energy


Szabolcs Czifrus graduated as a physicist in 1992. He has been working with the Institute of Nuclear Techniques since graduationa and has been director of the institute since 2014. He likes teaching very much. His favourite field is the various applications of Monte Carlo calculations to reactor physics, shielding and medical physics problems. He has been author and co-author of over 60 scientific publications. He has two children. He likes cooking, doing sports and listening to music in his (little) free time.

Curriculum Vitae

Publikations, references


1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 9. R.317/3
Tel:  +36-1-463 3824
Fax: +36-1-463 1954
