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tolnai gabor

Gábor Tolnai

research assistant

Department of Nuclear Energy


Gábor graduated from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2013 with a bachelor degree in Physics. Later on, he worked as an algorithm development engineer in the field of medical imaging. From March 2016, he is an employee of the Physics Department. Currently, we are developing a GPU-based reactor dynamics code in CUDA/C ++ environment. In his free time, he often ride the bike. It has become a tradition every year to ride around Lake Balaton, and to take 210-km distance in one day.

Curriculum Vitae

Publications, references


1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 9. R 216/1.
Tel:  +36-1-463 1254
Fax: +36-1-463 1954
